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Participatory Budgeting Project
July 2016

Enter your address to find your local elected representatives and then tell them to support participatory budgeting!

More about this project

We built this representative lookup tool for the Participatory Budgeting Project to help them advocate for more participatory budgeting in local government. Participatory budgeting is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making, and a type of participatory democracy, in which ordinary people decide how to allocate part of a municipal or public budget.

To get an elected official to take up a particular government policy like this, one of the most effective strategies is to empower their constituents to directly advocate for it.

My Reps is a tool to help advocates of participatory budgeting to find their city and county elected officials and contact them directly. It is powered by the Google Civic Information API, which aggregates data across the United States on elected officials in Federal, State, County and local offices.


Can Tech Make Democracy Great Again?
Geoffrey A. Fowler, Wall Street Journal | January 17, 2017